Elixir Notes

Elixir Tips and tricks

Filtering a Collection with Pattern Matching

iex(33)> test

[ok: %{"a" => "one"}, error: %{"b" => "two"}]

iex(34)> Enum.filter(test, &match?({:ok, _},&1))

[ok: %{"a" => "one"}]

Instead of match

    test |> Enum.filter(fn

      {:ok, _value} -> true

      _ -> false


Filter and Map and Extract nth Element of Tuple

iex(43)> test

[ok: %{"a" => "one"}, error: %{"b" => "two"}]

iex(44)> test |> Enum.filter(&match?({:ok, _},&1)) |> Enum.map(&(&1 |> elem(1)))

[%{"a" => "one"}]

Executing Anonymous function in a pipeline


    |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1))

    |> write_poi

    |> (fn

          {:ok, data} -> IO.puts("Wrote #{Enum.count(data)} records succesfully")

          _ -> IO.puts("Failed to write records to File")


Extracting Data One wants from JSON Responses. Use Sigils!

  @expected_fields ~w(

    login id avatar_url gravatar_id url html_url followers_url

    following_url gists_url starred_url subscriptions_url

    organizations_url repos_url events_url received_events_url type

    site_admin name company blog location email hireable bio

    public_repos public_gists followers following created_at updated_at


  def process_request_url(url) do

    "https://api.github.com" <> url


  def process_response_body(body) do


    |> Poison.decode!

    |> Map.take(@expected_fields)

    |> Enum.map(fn({k, v}) -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end)



Check Current Evironment in IEX



Generate Routes

Add Routes to router.ex and then run
mix phx.routes
Generating New Controllers
mix phx.gen.json Podder Podcast podcasts podcast_name:string  --context-app podder --no-schema

Generates a New Controller with name Podder.Podcast with Context podder. Since we don’t have any DB so no-schema.

Written on April 9, 2019